A blog (short for "weblog") is a journal that’s available on the internet. Updating a blog is referred to as “blogging” and the person keeping the blog is a “blogger”. Blog posts are usually listed in chronological order, with the most recent entry first. Many blogs are available as RSS feeds, which means they are delivered to a feedreader.
A forum is a web-based application that allows people to hold discussions through individual posts. The posts will be displayed in chronological order or as threaded discussions.
Twitter is the largest of the microblogging/microsharing services. It’s a web service that allows individuals and organizations to share short (140 characters or less) messages with the people who “follow” or subscribe to their twitterstream. An individual message (or “update”) posted on Twitter is called a “tweet”.
A blog (short for "weblog") is a journal that’s available on the internet. Updating a blog is referred to as “blogging” and the person keeping the blog is a “blogger”. Blog posts are usually listed in chronological order, with the most recent entry first. Many blogs are available as RSS feeds, which means they are delivered to a feedreader.
A forum is a web-based application that allows people to hold discussions through individual posts. The posts will be displayed in chronological order or as threaded discussions.
Twitter is the largest of the microblogging/microsharing services. It’s a web service that allows individuals and organizations to share short (140 characters or less) messages with the people who “follow” or subscribe to their twitterstream. An individual message (or “update”) posted on Twitter is called a “tweet”.
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