Automobile industry jargon - What is the meaning of BFD and what is its utility while driving a vehicle?

Brake Force Display (BFD) is a system developed by BMW for alerting tailgating drivers of a potential hazard in front of their vehicle. It works by increasing the intensity of the brake lights under heavy braking. The extra lighting is triggered only after the ABS sensors detect a rate of deceleration in excess of 5 m/second (emergency braking), but not under normal braking in order to avoid unnecessary illumination.

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What is ABS?

Computer games technical term Anti-Aliasing - What is Anti-Aliasing with respect to graphics and laptop resolution?

A method used to better define higher resolution objects in lower resolution. For example, you would use anti-aliasing if you have two lines that are so close together that at 320×200 they look as if they are one double-width line and you want to represent them better.

This is most noticeable when dealing with curves, such as circles. For example, if you look at a circle drawn in a simple paint program at a low resolution, you can see the “steps,” or “jaggies”–the points it takes to make the circle. If you raise the resolution you’ll notice the “steps” much less. If you use anti-aliasing, different shades of the circle’s color are used to “fill in” the gaps caused by low resolution, smoothing out its appearance to the user.

Typical uses for anti-aliasing are for smoothing out fonts and straight lines in 3D images. If you are using a system with jagged-looking fonts, chances are that it’s not anti-aliasing the fonts.

Television and display screen jargon - Aspect ratio, explained in simple words

Aspect Ratio
The ratio of the width by the height on a monitor or television screen. Most TVs and monitors have a 4×3 aspect ratio–the screens are 4 units wide and 3 units high. A movie screen has an aspect ratio of 16×9 (a bit wider than 5×3), and that’s why we have letterboxed movies (when you show a movie in true form on a TV you get black boxes on the top and bottom of the screen). HDTV screens today and some monitors support 16×9 aspect ratios, but most televisions and monitors still retain the 4×3 aspect ratio.

Blog, Forum and Twitter - What is the difference between these three forms of social networking and online content platforms

A blog (short for "weblog") is a journal that’s available on the internet. Updating a blog is referred to as “blogging” and the person keeping the blog is a “blogger”. Blog posts are usually listed in chronological order, with the most recent entry first. Many blogs are available as RSS feeds, which means they are delivered to a feedreader.

A forum is a web-based application that allows people to hold discussions through individual posts. The posts will be displayed in chronological order or as threaded discussions.

Twitter is the largest of the microblogging/microsharing services. It’s a web service that allows individuals and organizations to share short (140 characters or less) messages with the people who “follow” or subscribe to their twitterstream. An individual message (or “update”) posted on Twitter is called a “tweet”.